FASTer - Issue #64

The crisis is a curve in the road, not a dead end.

Lets back track.

For entrepreneur Frank O’Dea, it was a long road from street life to the high life. Born in Montreal to an upper-middle class family, Frank’s life took a downturn as a young man when he was sexually assaulted. He began drinking at an early age and was soon destitute, living in degradation on the streets of Toronto. By way of a sympathetic employer, the Salvation Army, and Alcoholics Anonymous, O’Dea quit drinking and started a small business that developed into the Second Cup coffee chain.

His first book was profound.When All You Have Is Hope

His second book is some thing every one must read. Especially given our current state of despair, economic, national, political etc.

Do the Next Right Thing: Surviving Life's Crises is some thing that should be mandatory reading for all.

Most people believe that a crisis descends suddenly and unexpectedly. In fact, they tend to build right in front of our eyes. But the emotional impact makes taking even the smallest step difficult, when a big leap is often needed. Here are proven techniques for dealing with any crisis, which O’Dea argues is just another term for change. Understanding that a crisis need not affect your happiness, that it is not necessarily a change for the worse, makes us already better equipped to handle it. The crisis is a curve in the road, not a dead end.


Stressful times lead to shitty outcomes. Not because materially much changes, but because you can not say NO, often or fast enough.

Having a good work ethic doesn’t mean you have to be perfect all the time.

Your personal value as a human being doesn’t rest on your ability to perform at work. By taking the pressure off yourself to perform, you can make setting boundaries with coworkers easier.

Your outcomes are linked to your ability to say NO vs Yes. Your reputation is made up of more than people’s opinions of whether you’re a “good” or “bad” worker. It’s the sum set of actions and behaviors people attribute both to you, plus their interactions with you.

It’s just two letters, and yet saying no can feel really hard — even complicated. For many of us, saying no doesn’t just feel awkward. It feels wrong.

Give your self space and time and see your outcomes enhance, most if not of all us are drowning in meaningless requests, be it work or otherwise with no real actionable gains by saying yes.

One New Thing (That I Learnt today)

The population of Brazil of either full or partial Lebanese descent is estimated by the Brazilian and Lebanese governments to be around 7 million people. According to a research conducted by IBGE in 2008, covering only the states of Amazonas, Paraíba, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, and Distrito Federal, 0.9% of white Brazilian respondents said they had family origins in the Middle East. If the first figure is correct (7 million), this number of descendants is larger than the population in Lebanon, and the original immigrant population a natural growth of 70 times in less than a century. A fantastic article to read on this: How the Lebanese conquered Brazil

Boring stuff that Scales

I read a brilliant Article.


Listen to the market. It's quieter when it's less crowded.

The real Scoop?

Moments of economic turbulence provide the unique opportunity to start new businesses, launch disruptive new products and strengthen customer loyalty — often at a discount. During these challenging times, here are a few pointers on what to do, why to do it and what to avoid.

First, difficult economic times expose unmet needs in the market, making it much easier to identify opportunities for new product development. Rather than pull back on innovation in new products, consider how you might best use this time to create and launch your most disruptive ideas. If you think it can't be done, consider this.

2 Stories from the article:

  • Henry R. Luce. In February 1930, four short months after the stock market crash, Luce launched an audacious, irreverent and vibrantly colored arsenal of human interest stories in the form of new media product called Fortune. Not only did he have the gall to launch a new magazine in the shadow of the Great Depression, he launched an expensive new product. At the outrageously lofty price of $1 per issue, Fortune launched with only 30,000 subscribers. By 1937, the magazine netted a half-million dollars on its circulation of 460,000. By the end of the decade, Fortune had become required reading on Wall Street.

  • In 1933, Kraft Foods launched its iconic salad dressing and sandwich spread, Miracle Whip — again, not in spite of the Depression, but because of it. Although Kraft had an existing mayonnaise business, its sales had slipped as a result of the economic conditions. Named after the machine that created it, Miracle Whip allowed the company to start a new conversation with its consumers about its products. Launched at the Century of Progress Chicago World's Fair in 1933, this new miracle mayonnaise spread had instant appeal to Depression-weary consumers who had grown tired of the boring taste of vegetables, salads and sandwiches. Not only was Miracle Whip a one-of-a-kind new product, it was relevant. Innovation is not a "good times only" exercise. Innovation always matters. It must, however, be relevant to the needs of the market. In the case of Kraft, within six months of its initial launch, this uniquely relevant new idea outsold all other brands of dressing and mayonnaise and went on to become a mainstay in refrigerators across America.

Life is boring during recessions, don't let it get stressful. Evaluate all your options. Turn chaos in to opportunity and grow it to scale.

What you should be watching

Cryptocurrency is the hottest financial product in the world.

The hype is everywhere, with forms of the digital currency endorsed and advertised by celebrities daring you to invest in this brave new world.

Not everyone is convinced by the glossy ads and bold claims.

Four Corners investigates what lies behind the slick marketing and big promises to examine if it's a fad, a fraud or the future.

Monetize your time

By having good filters.

Avoid taking advice from someone who gives advice for a living, unless there is a penalty for bad advice.

In tough times we tend to look to any one for advice. This is a critical mis step. Take advice from those whose incentives are aligned with yours vs not.

Coaching is 100s of billion dollar business now, fastest growing. Close to no investment. If you hear the script “I was like you” went into challenges …. Then recovered and now I m advising you. Penalty or outcome based billing is good, mediocre coaches are dime a dozen true outcomes drive one ones, not as much.

Without skin in the game the game gets harder to play, especially if you let some one else decide your outcomes.

Made in Pakistan

NITA ( National Indigenous and Traditional Arts ) Nasarpur, Sindh, Pakistan is working for revival, development and providing education of Traditional Arts.

I recently discovered a treasure trove of their work(blue/mixed medium pottery) and its rich history. Check out their FB Page. An incredible yet missed $ized export opportunity. It is a dying art.

An article about the Traditional Ceramic Kashi Tiles.

One Last Thing

Understanding the impact of inflation & why it's dangerous. If you rely on other people to inform your thoughts on business or economy, it is time you try enable better outcomes for your self by ensuing you understand the economic environment around you.