FASTer - Issue #150

A Mis-step is A Step

You can't improve something that doesn't exist. Launch the project when it's not perfect. Start the business when you don't know enough. You can only find the second step when you take the first. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, day or time.

Embrace the imperfect beginnings, for they are the fertile ground where innovation and learning flourish. Understand that mastery is a journey, not a destination, and every expert once was a beginner. The fear of imperfection often holds us back, creating barriers that exist only in our minds.

Remember, the most successful stories began with a single, imperfect step forward. It's through action, experimentation, and resilience that we uncover opportunities, learn from our mistakes, and refine our approaches.

One of the most iconic stories of a misstep turning into a business success from the 1900s is the creation of Post-it Notes by 3M. This story begins in 1968 when Spencer Silver, a scientist at 3M, was attempting to develop a super-strong adhesive for use in the aerospace industry. Instead, he accidentally created a low-tack, reusable, pressure-sensitive adhesive.

For several years, Silver's invention was considered a solution without a problem. He tirelessly promoted his adhesive within 3M, looking for a viable application, but it wasn't until 1974 that his colleague, Art Fry, conceived the idea that would transform Silver's adhesive into a worldwide phenomenon. Fry was frustrated that his bookmark kept falling out of his hymnbook during choir practice. Remembering Silver's adhesive, Fry used it to coat his bookmarks, allowing them to stick to the pages without damaging them. This sparked the idea for a repositionable note.

Initially launched as "Press 'n Peel" book markers in stores in 1977, the product flopped due to lack of consumer awareness. However, 3M decided to give the product another chance with a direct marketing campaign to offices in Boise, Idaho, in 1978, under the new name "Post-it Notes." This campaign was a massive success, leading to the national rollout of Post-it Notes in 1980. Today, Post-it Notes are one of 3M's most recognizable and successful products, a staple in offices, homes, and schools around the world, showcasing how persistence and creative thinking can turn an accidental invention into a ubiquitous product.

So, take that initial leap, however daunting it may seem. Your willingness to start, despite the uncertainties, is what sets the stage for growth and eventual success. After all, the path to achievement is paved with the bricks of persistence and the mortar of perseverance.

Let your journey begin today, not tomorrow, because the perfect moment is a myth. The real magic happens in the doing, in the process of moving from conception to action, and in the courage to continue despite setbacks. So, launch, learn, and iterate. The world awaits what only you can create.


Golden RATIOS enabling Golden Outcomes..

Like there is a golden ratio in nature, in art and in maths; there is also a golden ratio to be found for digital transformation. It's like searching the divine proportions between strategy, people, technology and execution.

Navigating the digital transformation landscape as an entrepreneur, I've come to recognize the inherent power of aligning with the golden ratios of digital transformation. This alignment is not just a strategy but a mindset that dictates the trajectory of success in the digital age. From my perspective, the journey of digital transformation is deeply rooted in the harmonious blend of strategy, technology, people, and execution. These are not isolated components but interconnected elements that, when perfectly balanced, unlock unprecedented growth and innovation.

In the entrepreneurial world, technology serves as the backbone of digital transformation. Yet, it's crucial to understand that technology alone isn't the silver bullet. The real magic happens when technology is seamlessly integrated with strategic vision, empowered people, and flawless execution. This integration is where the golden ratios come into play, guiding entrepreneurs like myself to not just react to changes but to proactively shape the future of our businesses.

Strategy, the first ratio, demands a forward-thinking approach, where understanding market dynamics and customer needs dictates every technological adoption or innovation. It's about seeing beyond the horizon and laying a foundation that not only addresses current challenges but also anticipates future trends.

People, the second ratio, are at the heart of digital transformation. Investing in a team that's not just technologically adept but also agile, resilient, and ready to embrace change is non-negotiable. Cultivating a digital culture that encourages continuous learning and innovation is what sets apart thriving businesses in the digital era.

Technology, the third ratio, is the enabler of transformation. However, its adoption must be strategic, aiming not just for digitalization of processes but for the digitalization of value. It's about leveraging technology to create unparalleled customer experiences, streamline operations, and foster innovation.

Execution, the final ratio, is where ideas meet reality. The best strategies and technologies amount to nothing without the ability to implement them effectively. Execution is the crucible of innovation, demanding not just precision but also flexibility to adapt as challenges arise and opportunities present themselves.

As an entrepreneur, finding the golden ratio in digital transformation is akin to discovering the formula for sustained growth and competitiveness. It's about creating a business that's resilient, customer-focused, and technologically advanced, yet flexible enough to adapt to the rapid changes that define the digital landscape. This balanced approach is not just a pathway to success; it's a commitment to leading change in an ever-evolving digital world.

One New Thing (That you should know)

Friends recently shared, what "FYIFV" means at Microsoft. "Fuck You, I'm Fully Vested" means that a person is so rich from Microsoft stock that he can be completely honest to coworkers and can leave anytime. Imagine, nothing holding you back from the work you love to do. Financial security is a super power.

The adage "Money can't buy happiness" captures a partial truth; however, the intricate relationship between financial stability and mental health cannot be overlooked. This connection profoundly influences not only individual well-being but also organizational success. A holistic approach to employee financial wellness is crucial, integrating education, resources, and support to effectively address this facet of employee well-being.

Research underscores the significant correlation between financial security and mental health. Findings from MetLife highlight that employees confident in their financial situation exhibit markedly higher levels of happiness and engagement compared to their financially stressed counterparts. This correlation underscores the reality that financial peace of mind enables employees to devote their full attention and energy to both work and personal pursuits.

Conversely, financial worries cast a long shadow, affecting various aspects of life and work. A 2023 study by PWC reveals that a majority of participants cite financial concerns as their top stressor, which in turn deteriorates sleep quality, self-esteem, physical health, and relationships. The ripple effects of financial stress extend into the workplace, undermining creativity, collaboration, and overall engagement. Thus, addressing financial wellness is not just about improving personal lives but is also a strategic move to enhance organizational performance and culture.

Do not listen to boomers who tell you to stick to one job, stick to one career, stick one business. The only thing you should stick to is the ability to enhance your outcomes, compound your luck, scale your integrity, repeat and grow your financial independence.

Boring Stuff That Scales

The bar is so low on many business pursuits. Its a matter of simple vs easy.

Most people are not willing to do the boring work, I’ll let you in on 2 decades of following these action items.

  1. Pick up the phone.

  2. Send the cold emails.

  3. Follow up when you say you are going to.

  4. Reach out to other people in your industry to network.

  5. Say thank you and shake peoples hands.

  6. Send the handwritten note.

  7. Give before you take.

  8. Be genuinely available vs being present.

  9. Engage vs interrupt

  10. Never be a drain on peoples mental energy always be a + 1

It is simple, but not easy. And that's where those whom are willing to just DO THE WORK can blow everyone else out of the water.

What You Should Be Reading

Danny Meyer's "Setting the Table" offers invaluable insights for business leaders across industries, emphasizing the importance of hospitality and leadership. Here are ten essential takeaways, refined and contextualized for broader relevance:

  1. The Excellence Reflex: This concept embodies the instinctive urge to rectify flaws or enhance what could be better. It's about cultivating an environment where excellence is not just encouraged but expected, and selecting team members who inherently strive for this.

  2. Employee Categorization: Understanding the dynamics between Overwhelmers, Whelmers, and Underwhelmers helps in creating a team that propels your business forward. It's critical to elevate or eliminate accordingly to prevent mediocrity from becoming the norm.

  3. Dignified Coaching: Correcting or guiding team members with respect fosters a culture of growth and learning, essential for maintaining high standards of service and operation.

  4. Leadership through Volunteering: Managing volunteers highlights the importance of motivating by means other than financial incentives, a skill that translates into more effective leadership in any context.

  5. Shared Ownership with Customers: By investing in customer relationships and making them feel valued, businesses can transform customers into partners, enhancing loyalty and engagement.

  6. ABCD - Always Be Collecting Dots: Proactively gather insights from every customer interaction. This data, or "dots," when connected, can lead to significant improvements in service and product offerings.

  7. Building Loyalty through Relationships: The connections formed between staff and customers are as crucial as the quality of the product or service offered, necessitating every opportunity to surpass expectations and forge lasting bonds.

  8. Enlightened Hospitality: Success is measured by the extent to which a business can champion its people, guests, community, suppliers, and investors, in that order. This approach ensures that internal respect and hospitality directly influence customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  9. Emotional vs. Technical Performance: Valuing emotional intelligence slightly more than technical skill in staff assessment acknowledges that while technical skills can be taught, emotional intelligence is harder to cultivate but critical for team harmony and customer satisfaction.

  10. Mistakes as Opportunities: Viewing mistakes as chances for improvement rather than failures creates a resilient organization capable of learning and evolving from every setback.

Each of these points underscores Meyer's broader philosophy that the principles of hospitality and thoughtful leadership are universally applicable, driving not just business success but also creating a positive, lasting impact on all stakeholders involved.

Monetize your time - at any age

Starting a new venture? Aim to land your first sale or user faster than you can finish a TV series marathon—ideally within a week. Skip the frills: no need for a fancy brand, a website, or even a formal business structure at first. Just leverage the power of direct outreach and digital meetings, and have a simple payment method ready to seal the deal. It's all about building momentum from the get-go

The Harvard Approved (*not) Business Process I use..

New project/ or Idea I start: Sell some thing, get a pledge, advance booking or some thing going immediately.

By When? within 4-8 days.

Why? momentum is addicting, sales even more so.

The Process? No branding, often no website, no company, often no “real” product. An Idea , A Pitch…

How it works? Cold emails/Linkedin/Calls/ Msgs, followed by a stripe link. Intent to pay you, with a fractional payment link for a future promise of service, is the best indicator you have a home run.

If you are going to spend your time doing some thing, you best monetize it from day zero.

One Last Thing

When companies go public especially in the US they share a treasure trove of data. Reddit just decided to list. 18 years in the making. Their S1 Filing is a treat for nerds.

If you must go down rabbit holes, do not go down those of tiktok or instagram, instead look at listing documents of companies about to list, or those who already have, who have interesting products/services.

You can learn so much from them.

Some one did a fantastic breakdown of reddit document here.

Bonus! Thought(s) of the week

Food for thought.