FASTer - Issue #149

Unlocking Growth and Efficiency: The Power of Parkinson's Laws for Entrepreneurs

In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and digital growth, one principles stand out for its profound implications on productivity and business success: Parkinson's Law. For founders and young professionals embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship for the first time, understanding this and applying it can be a game-changer

Parkinson's Law: A Framework for Efficiency

Parkinson's Law famously states that "work expands to fill the time available for its completion." This principle highlights a common pitfall in both personal and professional settings: the tendency to let tasks swell in complexity and size, consuming more time than necessary. The essence of Parkinson's Law lies in its call for setting tighter deadlines and clearer goals, forcing efficiency and focus.

The Power of Constraints

By imposing stricter time constraints, entrepreneurs can foster creativity, prioritize effectively, and accelerate decision-making. A classic example of Parkinson's Law in action can be seen in the world of startups and hackathons, where teams accomplish remarkable feats of innovation within compressed timeframes. This principle teaches us that, often, less is more. The key is not to extend deadlines, but to streamline processes and eliminate non-essential tasks.

The Evolution of Work for Greater Returns

Building on the concept of efficiency, keep in mind that "work evolves to earn more in the same time allowed for its completion." This thinking is about the evolution and optimization of work processes to increase value output without necessarily increasing the time invested. It's a powerful concept for entrepreneurs looking to scale their ventures and maximize profitability.

Leveraging High-Impact Activities

The way you must think about this about the importance of evolving work to focus on higher leverage tasks and business models. For instance, automating routine operations or delegating low-impact tasks frees up valuable time for strategic thinking and high-value activities, such as business development and innovation. Successful entrepreneurs understand that their time should be spent on work that directly contributes to growth and revenue, such as developing new products or expanding into new markets.

Practical Applications: From Theory to Action

To harness the potential of Parkinson's Law, entrepreneurs must adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and strategic focus. Here are actionable steps to integrate these principles into your entrepreneurial journey:

  1. Set Aggressive Deadlines: Use Parkinson's Law to your advantage by setting ambitious yet achievable deadlines. This will help you focus on what's essential and cut through unnecessary complexity.

  2. Evaluate Your Tasks: Regularly assess your daily tasks through the lens of optimization Ask yourself, "Is this the highest leverage activity I could be doing right now?" If not, find ways to evolve your approach.

  3. Automate and Delegate: Leverage technology and your team to handle repetitive and low-impact tasks. This frees up your time to focus on activities that directly contribute to your business's growth and success.

  4. Focus on Value Creation: Always look for ways to increase the value you're delivering in the same amount of time. Whether it's through product innovation, improving customer experience, or optimizing your sales funnel, focus on actions that have a direct impact on your bottom line.

  5. Embrace Continuous Learning: The digital landscape is constantly changing. Stay ahead by continuously learning new skills and strategies that allow you to work smarter, not harder.

Conclusion: A Blueprint for Success

For first-time entrepreneurs and young professionals, the journey ahead is filled with challenges and opportunities. By applying the principles of Parkinson's Law and adding an optimization layer, you can navigate this path more effectively, maximizing efficiency and growth. Remember, the goal is not just to work harder but to work smarter, evolving your approach to leverage your time and resources for maximum impact.


Imagine life as the most exhilarating game you've ever played, where you're the main character embarking on an epic quest filled with challenges, opportunities, and the occasional side mission that makes you wonder, "What am I even doing?" Now, think of me as your friendly neighborhood cheat sheet for better outcomes, here to offer you some pro tips on how to navigate this game with the finesse of a seasoned player.

First off, your energy and time are your most precious resources—think of them as your HP and mana. In the early levels (a.k.a. your youth), you've got energy in spades but experience points are in short supply. This is your golden opportunity to grind, level up your skills, and prepare for the more complex quests ahead.

One of the trickiest mini-games you'll encounter is managing your willpower—it's like that elusive power-up that always seems to be just out of reach when you need it most. But fear not! By taking care of your basic needs and tackling your biggest challenges first thing in the morning (when your willpower bar is full), you can navigate this game like a pro.

As you progress, you'll find that choosing the right quests is crucial. Some will boost your stats, others will unlock new areas, and a few might even feel like they're setting you back. Remember, it's all about strategy. Mix and match your skills to unlock powerful combos that propel you towards victory.

Oh, and let's talk about the multiplayer aspect. Finding the right allies and partners can make or break your game experience. It's not just about leveling up yourself, but also about finding players who complement your style and help you tackle those boss battles life throws at you.

Lastly, remember that this game doesn't have a reset button. Each decision you make, each quest you undertake, shapes your journey. So, play wisely, invest your resources in what truly matters to you, and remember to enjoy the ride. After all, the best part about life, the ultimate game, is the adventure itself.

For a deep dive into mastering life's game, check out the original strategy guide that inspired this note.

One New Thing (That you should know)

The home security system was invented in 1966 by New York nurse Marie Van Brittan Brown and her husband Albert, who was an electrician. They received the first patent for such an invention.

Due to the fact that Marie was a nurse and her husband Albert was an electrician, they both had irregular work hours, and often their work hours would not overlap. This would lead to many nights where Marie was left alone in her home at night. The crime rate in her neighborhood was very high, and inspired by the prolonged length of time it took the police to arrive in her neighborhood, Brown invented the first home security system. At the time, Brown was forty years old.

When Marie and her husband first came up with their security system, their invention consisted of four peepholes, a sliding camera, TV monitors, and microphones. The cameras could go from peephole to peephole. These cameras were connected to the TV monitors inside her home, and using those TV monitors, Marie could see exactly who was at her door, without having to physically be at the door and without having to actually open the door. The microphones also played a vital part in her invention, as with them she could talk with whoever was outside, again without actually having to open the door and be face to face with whoever was there. As was said earlier, Marie lived in an area with high crime, and this invention she created would allow her to feel much more safe inside her home. She no longer has to open up the door to see who is there, but rather she can see from the safety of her house who is there.

On August 1, 1966, Marie and her husband submitted a patent application for her invention. It would be the first patent of its kind, and her husband's name was below hers. The patent was granted by the government on December 2, 1969. Moral of the story, solve for your own outcomes to win big.

Boring Stuff That Scales

- Find a problem

- Find the target market

- Pitch an MVP

- Get the first 3 customers + money in the bank

Repeat. Scale. Enhance your outcomes. (If you need help there is a surprise, keep reading).

What You Should Be Reading

I just finished reading Dynasties of the Sea: The Shipowners and Financiers Who Expanded the Era of Free Trade.

"Dynasties of the Sea" turns the tide on boring business reads, sailing through the high-stakes world of ocean shipping with flair and insight.Forget yawn-inducing details; this book is a treasure map to the heart of global trade, charting a course with lively interviews from the captains of industry themselves.

Lori Ann LaRocco skillfully navigates the complex waters of managerial economics, making it as captivating as a startup pitch. It’s a masterclass from those steering the ships and shaping the market, packed with strategic gems for thriving in cyclical industries with hefty challenges. In a sea of tech hype, it's a refreshing dive into real-world business acumen, offering wisdom far beyond the tech bubble. A must-read for anyone keen on navigating business with a profit-first compass.

Monetize your time - at any age

What do adaptogenic supplements, smart yoga mats, virtual reality fitness, and eco-friendly packaging have in common? They're the latest buzz, yet largely off the mainstream radar. Not too long ago, predicting such trends was like finding a needle in a haystack, beyond the reach of even the most deep-pocketed market research. Imagine guessing the surge in popularity for smart yoga mats! Then came the internet revolution, transforming how we uncover hidden gems. Today, billions navigate the digital sea, leaving behind breadcrumbs of their deepest desires and unspoken preferences, painting a vivid picture of tomorrow's trends.

I am going to do a detailed 10-15 person 1 hour session on how and where to look for trends. Price of admission $500. If you reply back to this weeks newsletter you can get in for $150 early bird price and I will hold your spot. If you tweet about @faizansiddiqi and tag me, One Lucky person gets in for free.

This will happen in the first week of March.

One Last Thing

Looking for inspiration, ideas, trends, preferences.

Look no further.

Rank one thing every day.

Bonus! Thought(s) of the week

In the entrepreneurial world, your achievements amplify the credibility of your ideas. Early in your journey, without notable successes, it may feel like your voice echoes in a void. But once you've built something significant, people hang on your every word, eager for your insights.

I've met many brilliant individuals who wish their ideas could stand alone, untouched by their personal success. However, this view overlooks a fundamental human behavior: we all instinctively respect and listen more to those who've proven themselves.

So, my advice? Embrace your story. Don't hesitate to highlight your achievements in your bio or conversations. It might feel like bragging at first, but it's essential. It's not just about showcasing success—it's about inspiring others with your journey and the lessons you've learned. Remember, your story could be the very thing that sparks someone else's breakthrough.