FASTer - Issue #130

From Ambition to Action 🎬

Let's dive deep into the essence of enhancing our personal outcomes. We've all been there, haven't we? That moment when you look around and see others who seem to have more time, more looks, and maybe even more energy to work harder. But fret not, for there's a wealth of wisdom to be gleaned from these experiences.

Firstly, the power of hard work. It's true, some may seem to outwork us, but remember, I've walked that path. I've learned that hard work alone is not enough; it's about working smart and efficiently. Hard work should be channeled into the right places, focusing on your strengths and priorities. It's not just about quantity; it's about quality.

Now, let's talk about time. We may not have as much of it, but the value of time cannot be overstated. Every minute is a precious resource that should be spent wisely. It's about setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, and eliminating distractions. The less time you have, the more you learn to make every moment count.

Appearance might play a role in some aspects of life, but remember, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Vanity should never be your driving force. Instead, focus on your character, your skills, and your passion. These qualities will carry you much farther than any superficial beauty.

That burning desire inside you to grow and succeed – cherish it. It's a powerful fuel that drives you towards your goals. Don't waste it on trivial pursuits or distractions. Let it be your guiding light, your source of motivation. Embrace the challenges and setbacks, for they are the crucible in which your determination is forged.

Lastly, conditions will never be perfect. There will always be obstacles and reasons to delay. But remember this: the best time to start is now. Action is the catalyst for change. Don't wait for the stars to align; take that first step today. In the world of entrepreneurship, momentum is your ally, and waiting for the perfect moment is a luxury you can't afford.

So, young guns, let's take these lessons to heart. Work diligently, make every moment count, prioritize substance over style, nurture your burning ambition, and seize the opportunities that come your way. Your journey as an entrepreneur may be challenging, but it's the very challenges that will shape you into the successful, resilient, and impactful individual you aspire to be.

Here's to your relentless pursuit of personal growth and enhanced outcomes!


Name: Bo Peabody

Company: Tripod


Bo Peabody is an American entrepreneur known for his role in founding Tripod, one of the earliest social networking websites.

The Journey:

In the mid-1990s, Bo Peabody was a student at Williams College, where he noticed that there was no easy way for college students to create personal websites. Inspired by this observation and fueled by his entrepreneurial spirit, he decided to take action.

Enhancing Personal Outcomes:

Bo and his team launched Tripod in 1995, a platform that allowed users to create their own websites for free. At a time when the internet was in its infancy, Tripod provided an accessible and user-friendly way for individuals to establish an online presence. He wanted to solve for a complex issue with a simple idea, creating better outcomes for every one.

Bo and his team recognized the need for an accessible and user-friendly platform that would empower individuals, especially college students, to establish their online presence. This vision was revolutionary at a time when most people were still discovering the internet's potential.

Building a Fortune:

Tripod quickly gained popularity, especially among college students. Bo and his team's vision was ahead of its time, as they essentially created a precursor to social networking platforms. In 1998, just three years after its launch, Lycos, a web search engine, acquired Tripod for $58 million in stock.

What makes Bo Peabody's story particularly intriguing is not just the success of Tripod but his ability to recognize emerging trends and adapt. He went on to become a successful venture capitalist, co-founding Village Ventures, a venture capital firm that invested in startups in their early stages.

One New Thing (That you should know)

By the 1700s, aristocrats started eating tomatoes, but they were convinced the fruits were poisonous because people would die after eating them. In reality, the acidity from the tomatoes brought out the lead in their pewter plates, and they actually died of lead poisoning.This  illustrates several important lessons about assumptions, beliefs, and the importance of investigating root causes:

  1. Questioning Assumptions: The aristocrats' assumption that tomatoes were poisonous was based on anecdotal evidence and superficial observations. It serves as a reminder that we should question our assumptions and not take things at face value.

  2. Confirmation Bias: The aristocrats' belief in the poisonous nature of tomatoes likely led them to interpret any deaths after tomato consumption as evidence of their assumption. This highlights the danger of confirmation bias, where we tend to seek and interpret information in ways that confirm our existing beliefs.

  3. The Role of Empirical Evidence: The story underscores the importance of empirical evidence and scientific inquiry in understanding the world around us. Instead of relying on hearsay or preconceived notions, investigating the root cause through careful observation and experimentation can reveal the truth.

  4. Complexity of Cause and Effect: Sometimes, cause and effect relationships can be complex and counterintuitive. In this case, it wasn't the tomatoes themselves that were harmful but the interaction between the acidic tomatoes and the lead in the pewter plates. It's a reminder that the world is full of intricate interactions that may not be immediately apparent.

  5. The Dangers of Tradition: Traditions and beliefs can persist for generations, even when they are based on misunderstandings or misconceptions. This story highlights how deeply ingrained beliefs can be challenged and changed when confronted with evidence.

  6. Importance of Critical Thinking: Critical thinking and a willingness to investigate the root causes of phenomena are essential skills. It's a lesson in the value of skepticism and intellectual curiosity.

In summary, the story of aristocrats and tomatoes serves as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of unquestioning belief in assumptions and the importance of digging deeper to uncover the reality of a situation. It reminds us that reality is often more nuanced and complex than our initial beliefs might suggest, and that a willingness to explore and understand root causes is crucial for making informed decisions especially as you start out your entrepreneurial journey. For better outcomes, you need better analysis. Do not believe things at face value.

Boring Stuff That Scales

In the ever-evolving world of startups, being open to feedback is not just a virtue; it's your secret weapon for success. As entrepreneurs, many of you are millennials or Gen Zs, and your journey is all about growth, innovation, and adapting to change. So, why is feedback a gift, and how can we make the most of it? Let's dive in.

Why Feedback is a Precious Gift 🎁

Imagine you're working on a project or launching a new product. You're passionate, driven, and you've put your heart and soul into it. Now, consider this: feedback is the compass that helps you navigate the turbulent entrepreneurial seas.

  1. Fresh Perspectives: Feedback offers fresh perspectives that you might have missed in your bubble of enthusiasm. It's your chance to see your business from different angles.

  2. Continuous Improvement: Entrepreneurs are problem solvers by nature. Feedback is the raw material for improving your product, service, or strategy. It's like having access to an endless supply of puzzle pieces for your business.

  3. Building Trust: When you actively seek feedback, you demonstrate that you value others' opinions and are open to learning. This builds trust with your team, customers, and investors.

Framework for Embracing Feedback

Now, let's talk about how to turn feedback into your competitive edge:

  1. Create Feedback Loops: Establish feedback mechanisms at every stage of your business. Customer surveys, peer reviews, and mentorship are powerful tools to gather insights.

  2. Be Specific: When requesting feedback, be specific about what you want to know. Instead of asking, "What do you think of my product?" ask, "How can we improve our product's user interface to make it more intuitive?"

  3. Separate Emotions from Feedback: It's natural to feel defensive when someone critiques your brainchild. Take a deep breath and remember that feedback is about your product, not you personally.

Real-World Inspiration: How Feedback Led to Success 🌟

Let's take a look at a real entrepreneurial journey where feedback played a pivotal role:

Example: Airbnb

In Airbnb's early days, founders Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk faced a challenging dilemma. They had a brilliant idea but struggled to gain traction. They decided to reach out to their users to understand the pain points better.

Feedback poured in, and what they discovered was a game-changer. People loved the idea but were concerned about the quality of listings and the trustworthiness of hosts and guests. Airbnb listened, adapted, and implemented features like user reviews, professional photography, and a host guarantee.

This transformation turned Airbnb into a global phenomenon, valued at billions of dollars. It all started with a willingness to embrace user feedback.

In Conclusion

Feedback is your entrepreneurial compass, guiding you toward success. It's not always easy to hear, but it's worth its weight in gold. So, let's embrace feedback as the gift that it is. Seek it, learn from it, and watch your startup soar to new heights.

What You Should Be Watching

James Jani talks about “Megachurches, Televangelists, and the Prosperity Gospel... those were things that I had never heard of before... until I stumbled across an infamous interview with Kenneth Copeland by Lisa Guerrero from Inside Edition.””

What ensued after was a dive into rabbit hole unlike any other, from corrupt preachers, to lavish lifestyles, to claims of miracle healings, to cult-ish followings, and New Age/New Thought concepts. This... is the dark world of Megachurches.

Faith healing as a business is a multi billion $ industry and this documentary takes a deep dive into it.

Monetize your time - at any age

By learning leadership lessons from the best. As some one whose foundational learnings were at GE. This is my quick guide to learning the top lessons from the worlds (once) most valuable company.

One Last Thing

Unlocking Your Superpower: The Muscle Memory of Commitment 💪

As I sit down to write this edition of our newsletter, I'm reminded that today marks 911 days of commitment to publishing this newsletter. Well, it would have been 910 if I hadn't been a day late on this one. But that's precisely what I want to talk to you about today—consistency, persistence, and the incredible superpower of commitment.

Imagine this: you decide to do something, and then you do it again, and again, and again. It becomes a habit, ingrained in your daily routine until it's nearly impossible to shake off. That's the magic of muscle memory, and it's a superpower that's well within your reach.

My Story: 911 Days of commitment and Counting

For the past 911 days (almost without fail once a week), I've committed to writing this newsletter for entrepreneurs like you. It started as a small idea, a simple commitment, and has grown into a significant part of my routine. And while I'm far from perfect, the power of commitment and the muscle memory of consistent action have propelled me forward.

Unlocking Your Superpower: A Framework for Commitment

Now, let's explore how you can harness this superpower for your own journey:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Start by defining what you want to achieve. Whether it's launching a new product, mastering a skill, or building a business, clarity in your goals is essential.

  2. Start Small: Commitment often begins with small steps. Break down your larger goals into manageable daily or weekly tasks. These bite-sized actions are easier to commit to and build upon.

  3. Create a Routine: Consistency thrives on routine. Establish a specific time and place for the task or goal you're committed to. Over time, it becomes second nature.

  4. Track Your Progress: Keep a journal or use digital tools to track your progress. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and learn from setbacks.

  5. Stay Accountable: Share your commitment with a friend, mentor, or accountability partner. Knowing that someone is holding you accountable can be a powerful motivator.

  6. Embrace Imperfection: Don't be discouraged by occasional slip-ups or missed days. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

Why Muscle Memory of Actions is a Superpower

The magic of muscle memory lies in its ability to make complex actions feel effortless. It transforms commitment into a habit, and eventually, a part of who you are. Here's why it's a superpower:

  1. Consistency Builds Momentum: Committing to something consistently builds momentum over time. Each day you show up, you're one step closer to your goal.

  2. Overcoming Resistance: As the saying goes, "Starting is the hardest part." Muscle memory helps you bypass that initial resistance by making the action automatic.

  3. Achieving Mastery: Repetition leads to mastery. The more you commit and practice, the better you become at what you do.

Net net, what ever it is you are choosing to ignore, don’t. Let today be the first day of that commitment. Tomorrow will be much easier.

Bonus! Thought(s) of the week

The Surprising Connection Between Money, Confidence, and Risk-Taking.(Not Scientific)

Today, I've got a thought-provoking story for you about two extraordinary clients in my executive coaching practice who couldn't be more different, yet they share a remarkable trait: they have zero limiting beliefs. 🚀

Client A is swimming in a sea of liquidity, with over $400 million to their name. They've struck gold in the last two years and seem unstoppable. Client B, on the other hand, has seen fortunes come and go. Once worth over $70 million, they're now left with a mere $200,000.

What sets these two apart? Well, it's their unwavering confidence to dive headfirst into industries they know absolutely nothing about. They're not deterred by the domain's complexity – they read voraciously, ask questions tirelessly, and, most importantly, they take action.

But here's the kicker: Does having billions in the bank make you confident? Does losing it all boost your willingness to take risks?

Money can certainly buy you a temporary confidence boost, but true risk-taking requires more than just a hefty bank balance. Sometimes, it's those who've hit rock bottom that come back with an unparalleled determination to bet whatever's left in their pursuit of success. 💪

Think about it: When you've experienced the worst life can throw at you and managed to bounce back, what's there left to fear? You become a fearless force to be reckoned with.

So, here's the challenge I'm throwing at you today: Don't be fooled into thinking that money alone can buy you the courage to chase your dreams. Confidence and risk-taking are forged in the fires of life experiences, resilience, and determination. What ever your stage in life, embrace it. The difference between having $s and not having $s, most days is linked to your ability to take actions.

Remember, you have what it takes to be a game-changer, regardless of your bank account. Embrace your journey, learn from every experience, and let that unbreakable spirit fuel your path to success. 🌟

Stay bold, stay curious, and stay confident as you navigate your unique journey. Who knows, you might just surprise yourself with what you're capable of achieving.

Cheers to fearless living.