FASTer - Issue #116

Three Lessons from David Ogilvy's Legendary Rolls-Royce Ad

Lesson 1: The Power of a Captivating Headline

In the world of advertising, the headline reigns supreme. David Ogilvy, an advertising pioneer, understood this concept well. He famously referred to his Rolls-Royce advertisement as "The best headline I ever wrote." As entrepreneurs, we can learn from Ogilvy's obsession with headlines.

When crafting your own adverts, remember that most people will glance at the headline and make a quick judgment. Therefore, invest 80% of your time and effort into perfecting the most crucial component: the headline. Ogilvy even stated, "On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents of your dollar." So, make sure your headlines are attention-grabbing and irresistible to your target audience.

Lesson 2: Dive Deep into Understanding Your Product

Ogilvy's success was rooted in his unwavering commitment to understanding the products he advertised. As entrepreneurs, we can adopt a similar mindset. Ogilvy didn't shy away from getting his hands dirty and immersing himself in the details. In fact, he often knew more about Rolls-Royce vehicles than many of the company's own employees.

He recognized the value of research and once stated, "Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals." By thoroughly understanding your product or service, you can craft compelling advertisements that truly resonate with your target audience. So, make it a priority to become an expert in what you offer and let that expertise shine through in your marketing efforts.

Lesson 3: Attention to Detail Creates Impact

Ogilvy's advertisements were renowned for their meticulous attention to detail. His Rolls-Royce ad was no exception. In fact, it was so finely crafted that the Chief Engineer at Rolls-Royce felt compelled to take action. Upon reading the ad, he famously remarked, "It is time we did something about that damned clock."

By embracing these three lessons from David Ogilvy's legendary Rolls-Royce ad, we can enhance our outcomes as entrepreneurs. Craft captivating headlines(mindfulness around the work we are doing), dive deep into understanding your product(subject matter expertise), and pay meticulous attention to detail(own your decisions). These principles will help you create experiences that truly resonate with your audience, driving success for your business.


You control the effort, not the results. For great outcomes focus on the effort…

The Story of Jessica Jackley

Jessica Jackley is the co-founder of, a website that allows teachers to request donations for classroom supplies. The company has raised over $1 billion for over 2 million classroom projects.

Jackley's story is a testament to the power of hard work and determination. She started in 2000, when she was just 23 years old. She had no experience in fundraising or education, but she was passionate about making a difference in the lives of teachers and students.

Jackley and her co-founder, Charles Best, worked tirelessly to build They spent hours cold-calling schools, writing grant proposals, and networking with potential donors. They also faced many challenges along the way, including technical difficulties and financial setbacks.

But Jackley and Best never gave up. They continued to work hard and believe in their mission. Eventually, their hard work paid off. became a success, and Jackley is now considered one of the most influential entrepreneurs in the education space.

Insights for Entrepreneurs

The story of Jessica Jackley is a reminder that entrepreneurs can achieve great things if they are willing to work hard and never give up. Here are a few insights that entrepreneurs can learn from Jackley's story:

  • Focus on the effort, not the results. It's easy to get discouraged when things don't go your way as an entrepreneur. But it's important to remember that you can't control the results. The only thing you can control is your effort. So focus on putting in your best effort, and don't worry about the results.

  • Never give up. There will be challenges along the way, but don't give up. Keep working hard and believing in your mission. Eventually, your hard work will pay off.

  • Be passionate about your work. If you're not passionate about your work, it will be hard to stay motivated. So find something that you're passionate about, and let that passion fuel your work.

One New Thing (That you should know)

Boring Stuff That Scales

In the realm of best advice I ever got, a special place is held but this thought from my mentor Stay in touch with every one”.

This is profound life advice, but without a system, it can lead to relationship fatigue or social fatigue. The way this works is to consciously and selfishly at some level understand human nature. Here is how I broadly like to think about relationships and how I prioritize staying in touch with every one/or the ones that matter based on your time, your station in life, your needs, your commitment to nurture mutually beneficial learning etc.

  1. People Who Want Something

  2. People Who Give Something

  3. People Who are awkward

  4. People Who say a lot but do not deliver

  5. People Who say nothing & deliver a lot

  6. People Who eat time without growing the pie

  7. People Who Teach you

  8. People Who Take away from you

This is boring advice but the one that makes the difference from your name being remembered in a room where no one is actively taking it. Being memorable is a boring skill that goes a long way, but making people feel memorable is a super power.

What You Should Be Reading

Your outcomes aren’t going to change by asking ChatGPT for advice. For those in the digital space and those who wish to learn more, here is a healthy dose of self promotion. I wrote a beginners guide to digital transformation, that has now had 80k Total downloads across channels so I wanted to share it with my readers for free. More about it here.

Monetize Your Time

By building a small MVP(Minimum Viable Product), to pre test and market configure an idea or service. Heres whats worked for me the last 15 years or so.

  1. Define your problem. What is the problem that your product or service solves? What are the pain points that your target customers are experiencing?

  2. Create a prototype. This doesn't have to be a fully-functional product. It can be a simple mockup or wireframe that allows you to test your idea with potential customers.

  3. Get feedback. Talk to potential customers and get their feedback on your prototype. What do they like about it? What don't they like? What features would they like to see?

  4. Iterate. Based on the feedback you receive, iterate on your prototype. Make changes to improve the user experience and make sure that your product or service solves the problems that your target customers are experiencing.

  5. Launch your MVP. Once you're happy with your prototype, you can launch your MVP. This will allow you to start getting real-world feedback from customers and make sure that your product or service is viable.

Here are some additional facts that entrepreneurs should keep in mind when building a small MVP:

  • MVPs don't have to be expensive. You can build a simple MVP with just a few tools and resources.

  • MVPs don't have to be perfect. The goal of an MVP is to test your idea and get feedback from potential customers. Don't worry about making it perfect. Also do not drown in features.

  • MVPs are a great way to learn. Building an MVP is a great way to learn about your target customers and their needs. It's also a great way to learn about the development process and how to build a product or service.

One Last Thing

The tech world is obsessed with the next big thing. Everyone is trying to get in on the latest trend, whether it's Web3, AR, crypto, or AI. But what if I told you that the real opportunity is in boring industries?

That's right, boring industries. The ones that no one wants to start a business in. The ones that are overlooked by investors and entrepreneurs.

But here's the thing: boring industries are ripe for disruption. There is less competition, which means that there is more potential for success. And because these industries are so essential to our economy, there is a huge market for businesses that can provide better products or services.

So what does this mean for you? It means that you have a chance to build a successful $10M+ company by putting modern tech into boring businesses no one else wants.

Think about it. What are some boring industries? How about waste management, security, logistics, construction, or maintenance? These industries may not be the most exciting, but they are essential to the smooth functioning of our economy.

And because they are so essential, they offer a lot of potential for businesses that can provide better products or services. For example, you could create an easy-to-use web portal for waste management companies, or develop automated billing software for security firms.

The possibilities are endless. And the best part is, you'll have less competition than if you tried to start a business in a more exciting industry.

So what are you waiting for?

Bonus! Thought of the week

The average age of a startup founder is 34.(US/Western World)

This means that there are plenty of young entrepreneurs out there who are successfully starting and running businesses. So if you're a young entrepreneur, don't let your age hold you back. You have just as much potential for success as anyone else.

Here are some other interesting facts about young entrepreneurs:

  • 60% of entrepreneurs are under the age of 40.

  • The youngest self-made billionaire in the world is Kylie Jenner, who was 21 when she made the Forbes list.

  • There are over 20 million small businesses in the United States, and 50% of them are owned by people under the age of 35.

These facts show that there is a growing trend of young people starting businesses. So if you're a young entrepreneur, you're in good company. And with hard work and dedication, you can achieve great things.

Here are some tips for young entrepreneurs:

  • Find your passion. What are you passionate about? What do you love to do? Starting a business in an area that you're passionate about will make the journey more enjoyable and rewarding.

  • Do your research. Before you start your business, do your research and make sure there is a market for your product or service. You also need to understand the legal and financial implications of starting a business.

  • Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. Don't let it discourage you. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

  • Get help from others. There are many resources available to help young entrepreneurs. Don't be afraid to ask for help from mentors, advisors, and other entrepreneurs.