FASTer - Issue #107

Diversity should be embraced as more than just an annual celebration. It brings unique experiences to the table, which are valuable assets in entrepreneurship and problem-solving. This isn't just about overcoming adversity, but also about using diversity as a tool to find solutions.

Entrepreneurs who embrace diversity, whether through diverse teams or through their own diverse backgrounds, have a more direct impact on the market. With a diverse population, there is demand for goods and services from different population groups, providing entrepreneurs with opportunities to tap into various market niches. It's a simple concept: if everyone on your team looks, talks, eats, and lives like you, but you want to create something that impacts people who are different from you, then embracing diversity is essential.

For example, a team with people from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds may have a better understanding of the needs of different target markets, which enables them to develop products and services that cater to those needs. Cultural diversity can also lead to greater understanding of the markets and customers, allowing entrepreneurs to better identify opportunities to create value. Additionally, a diverse team brings different ideas to the table, increasing the chances of success and fostering innovation. Ultimately, cultural diversity is a valuable asset for entrepreneurs, providing them with the tools and resources they need to build successful businesses.

Diversity = Differentiation  

Incorporating diversity into a workplace can foster fresh ideas and stimulate creativity, serving as a gateway to innovation. This applies to the business sector as well, where an organization's receptiveness to viewpoints from individuals with diverse backgrounds can enhance its creativity and adaptability. The presence of diversity can not only boost performance but also generate beneficial tensions that promote thoughtful discussion and challenge conformity. Nonetheless, embracing diversity is not a simple task and must be approached with caution, as a lack of careful implementation can result in discord, discomfort, and clashes within the organization.

Here are some thoughts on the importance of diversity in entrepreneurial pursuits along with some examples of how embracing diversity can benefit entrepreneurs:

1. Embracing Your Own Diversity: Entrepreneurs who embrace their own diversity can leverage their unique experiences and perspectives to create innovative solutions. For instance, chef Marcus Samuelsson, who was born in Ethiopia and raised in Sweden, incorporates his multicultural background into his cuisine. He has created a successful restaurant business that celebrates diversity and encourages diners to try new things. Similarly, Alex Ohanian, the co-founder of Reddit, leveraged his Armenian heritage to create a platform that is inclusive and welcoming to all.

2. Creating a Diverse Pool of People to Work With: A diverse team can bring a range of perspectives and insights to the table, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving. For example, Stitch Fix, an online styling service, has a diverse team of stylists who come from various backgrounds and have different skills. This enables the company to cater to a wide range of customers and deliver personalized recommendations that resonate with them. Similarly, the clothing brand Universal Standard has a diverse team of designers who create fashion that is inclusive and caters to a wide range of body types.

3. Accepting Diversity of Opinion: Entrepreneurs who encourage diverse opinions and perspectives can create a culture of innovation and creativity. For instance, the ride-sharing company Lyft has a diverse group of employees who come from different backgrounds and have different viewpoints. This has helped the company develop innovative features such as round-up donations to charity and in-app tipping, which has set it apart from its competitors. Similarly, Patagonia, an outdoor apparel company, encourages its employees to bring their whole selves to work and share their ideas openly. This approach has led to the development of innovative sustainability initiatives, such as using recycled materials in their products.

Diversity is a crucial factor in entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurs who embrace their own diversity, create a diverse pool of people to work with, and accept diverse opinions can develop innovative solutions, cater to a diverse customer base, and create a culture of innovation and creativity that can lead to long-term success.


With the advancements in generative AI , it is going to disrupt many industries, including content writing and freelancing so far the choice of most free lancers. However, this also means that there are new opportunities emerging that you can take advantage of if you are willing to unlearn and relearn and self learn. Here are some areas of business that I suggest you focus on to enhance your outcomes professionally and personally:

Data Analysis and Management: With the abundance of data available, there is a growing need for experts who can analyze and manage it. You can specialize in data analysis, data mining, or data visualization. The first step is to learn data analytics tools like Python, R, or SQL. You can take online courses or attend workshops to gain these skills. Once you have the necessary skills, you can start looking for freelance projects or join a data analytics firm.

Digital Marketing: The demand for digital marketing experts is growing day by day. Companies need experts who can help them promote their products or services online. You can specialize in social media marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing, or email marketing. You can start by learning the basics of digital marketing and then specialize in one or two areas. You can offer your services as a freelancer or join a digital marketing agency.

E-commerce: With the rise of online shopping, there is a huge demand for e-commerce experts who can help businesses sell their products online. You can specialize in creating e-commerce websites, managing online marketplaces like Amazon or Etsy, or handling the logistics of online sales. To get started, you can learn e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento. Once you have the necessary skills, you can start your own online store or offer your services to other businesses.

Cybersecurity: As more and more businesses go online, the need for cybersecurity experts is increasing. You can specialize in ethical hacking, network security, or data privacy. You can start by learning the basics of cybersecurity and then specialize in one or two areas.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionize many industries. You can specialize in developing VR or AR applications for education, entertainment, or training. You can start by learning the basics of VR and AR development using tools like Unity or Unreal Engine. Once you have the necessary skills, you can start offering your services to businesses or create your own VR or AR applications.

Prompt Engineers: A prompt engineer is a person who specializes in creating effective prompts for language models. They design and refine prompts that guide the language model to generate high-quality, relevant, and coherent text. A prompt engineer needs to have a deep understanding of the capabilities and limitations of language models and be able to craft prompts that elicit the desired response from the model. They can ideally be skilled in natural language processing, data analysis, and programming. A prompt engineer's role is crucial in ensuring the accuracy and efficacy of language models in various applications, including chatbots, content creation, and data analysis.

One New Thing (That I didn't Know)

Brazil found incarcerated populations read 9x as much as the general population. They made a new program for prisoners so each written book review took 4 days off a prison sentence.

Boring Stuff That Scales

Here are 5 boring ideas that can potentially have a significant impact on your professional and financial outcomes:

  1. Practice deliberate daily reflection: Taking the time to reflect on your actions, thoughts, and behaviors can help you identify patterns and habits that are hindering your progress. This could involve journaling or simply taking a few minutes at the end of each day to think about what went well and what didn't. By identifying areas for improvement, you can make small changes that add up to big results over time.

  2. Build a strong professional network: Research has shown that having a strong network can be a key driver of success. This could involve attending industry events, joining professional organizations, or simply reaching out to colleagues and peers for advice and support. By building relationships with others in your field, you can gain valuable insights and opportunities that you might not have otherwise had.

  3. Focus on continuous learning: In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your industry. This could involve taking courses, attending workshops, or simply reading articles and books on relevant topics. By making a commitment to continuous learning, you can stay ahead of the curve and position yourself as a thought leader in your field.

  4. Develop a growth mindset: People with a growth mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence can be developed over time, rather than being fixed traits. This can be a powerful way to approach challenges and setbacks, as it encourages resilience and a willingness to learn from mistakes. By embracing a growth mindset, you can unlock your full potential and achieve greater success in your personal and professional life.

  5. Seek out mentors and role models: Having someone to look up to and learn from can be incredibly valuable in terms of personal and professional growth. This could involve finding a mentor who can provide guidance and support, or simply studying the habits and behaviors of successful people in your field. By learning from those who have already achieved the kind of success you're striving for, you can gain valuable insights and inspiration that can help you achieve your goals.

What You Should Be Watching

Made in the 1960s as part of the "New Horizons" series of promotional films, this Pan Am color travel film promotes visits to the “new” South Asian Republic of Pakistan. (The film was made prior to the separation of East Pakistan into the nation of Bangladesh in the early 1970s, but primarily concentrates on West Pakistan). The films opens with a contrasting view of a “pokey ol’ camel” lumbering through the heart of a modern city, Karachi, which is the main seaport and financial center of Pakistan. The film shows its viewer many beautiful sites around the city as well as the lines of ships docked at the harbor, which we are told bolsters the nation’s economy. Airlines are also aid the economy, as mark 02:20 shows the viewer a PanAm jet with tourists and cargo. An interesting perspective from an era gone by. The modernity and spirit of the people showcased far better than what remains today.

Monetize Your Time

Here are five unusual ways in history that people have monetized their time:

  1. Selling advertising space on their faces: In 2005, a woman named Kari Smith from Utah launched a website called "The Million Dollar Homepage." The site featured a 1,000-pixel grid, and Smith sold advertising space for $1 per pixel. She eventually sold all of the pixels, earning $1 million in the process. In 2019, a man named Ross Smith sold advertising space on his bald head for $320 per day.

  2. Renting out their friendship: In Japan, there is a growing trend of people renting out their time and friendship to others who are in need of companionship. These "rental friends" can be hired to do anything from going out to eat to attending a wedding. The industry is estimated to be worth several million dollars a year.

  3. Selling their dreams: In 2008, a woman named Shana Lebowitz started a business selling her dreams on eBay. She claimed that she had vivid and interesting dreams every night, and offered to sell the details of those dreams to the highest bidder. The winning bidder would receive a written account of the dream, along with a personal interpretation.

  4. Selling their hair: Throughout history, people have monetized their hair by selling it to wig makers or collectors. In the Victorian era, it was fashionable for women to wear wigs made from human hair, leading to a demand for long, healthy locks. Today, there are still companies that buy and sell human hair for use in wigs and extensions.

  5. Participating in medical experiments: Some people have earned money by participating in medical experiments or clinical trials. These studies can range from simple surveys to more invasive procedures, and can pay anywhere from a few dollars to several thousand dollars. While there are risks involved, some people are willing to take the chance in order to earn extra cash.

The moral of the story is, that people have been monetizing their time since time immemorial. The difference is their bias towards action. What ever you choose to do, make sure you don't get lost in the choosing part but over index on the doing part instead.

One Last Thing

In the same way that there were once instructional books on how to use Google, we are now seeing a flood of online resources teaching people how to use ChatGPT. This is a pattern that has repeated itself, as noted by Twitter user Steven Sinofsky. It's not hard to find clickbait threads on Twitter promising to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT, or YouTube videos claiming to turn viewers into ChatGPT-powered entrepreneurs. Similarly, there are numerous blogs and websites devoted to sharing the best prompts for GPT. The more things change the more they remain the same. This is a gold rush moment, invest your time wisely.

Bonus! Thought of the week

This week, I want to discuss the concept of "digital minimalism." In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information and distractions, it is more important than ever to be intentional about our use of technology.

Digital minimalism is about using technology in a way that supports our values and goals, while minimizing its negative impact on our lives. It involves being mindful about how we use our devices, setting boundaries, and prioritizing human connections and meaningful experiences.

While technology has undoubtedly brought about many positive changes, we must also acknowledge its potential to be a source of stress, addiction, and disconnection. By embracing digital minimalism, we can reclaim our time and attention, and focus on what truly matters in our lives.

So, I encourage you to take a step back and reflect on your relationship with technology. Are you using it in a way that aligns with your values and goals? Are there areas where you can make changes to improve your overall well-being?